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  • 11


    God talks about sensors during business trips and leisure time (90)

    Release Date:2023-03-11      Click on the quantity:383

    My friends often ask me, what is a low-end sensor? What is a high-end sensor? What is a standard sensor? What is a good sensor? What is an advanced sensor? To tell you the truth, it is still difficult to answer these questions perfectl...

  • 06


    When traveling on business and leisure, God talks about the sensor (89)

    Release Date:2023-03-06      Click on the quantity:386

    In the past six years since its establishment in Shanghai, China Sensor Internet of things Industry Alliance has continuously promoted the development of China's sensor and Internet of things industry, making more people realize the ne...

  • 09



    Release Date:2023-02-09      Click on the quantity:415

    Due to the impact of the epidemic and the long-lost Spring Festival reunion, I have not left Xi'an on business in the past three months. Today opened the first business trip since 2023, destination. Chengdu, Chengdu, the kingdom of Shu...

  • 19


    God chatting Sensor in his spare time during Business Travel (87)

    Release Date:2022-11-19      Click on the quantity:3497

    When it comes to the problem of dredging and finding blockage points in crude oil pipelines, a friend's official account replied that he talked about the solution of pipeline robots, which may give us an inspiration. The scope of sensi...

  • 17


    God chatting sensor in leisure time on business trip (86)

    Release Date:2022-11-17      Click on the quantity:3454

    Time is wasted, the epidemic is causing people, travel is difficult, the economy is difficult. Blink of an eye, more than three months did not travel, did not leave the lovely Chang'an. The ticket to the sensor conference in Shenzhen w...

  • 13


    Hi! Shaanxi Internet of things (13)

    Release Date:2022-11-13      Click on the quantity:3484

    On November 7, the cooperation and exchange meeting on the Yangtze River Delta, the industrial chain of the Internet of things in Shaanxi, sponsored by the people's Government of Shaanxi Province, finally stopped waiting. Xi'an, as the...