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    Small Talk about Sensor While Travelling (115)

    Release Date:2024-05-31      Click on the quantity:68

    The Uber driver is a Pakistani boy, talking about China and Pakistan are iron friends, mainly because China supports Pakistan a lot, and casually said "No money, No friends!" "No money, no friends!" Is he right? Viewers...

  • 29


    Small Talk about Sensor While Travelling (114)

    Release Date:2024-05-29      Click on the quantity:66

    Gu leisure tour world's third stop Sydney, Australia. At 8pm on May 27, 2024, the Boeing 737-8 on Virgin Australia Airlines Flight VA891 (recently Boeing aircraft always have small problems, although a little worried, but there is...

  • 28


    Small Talk about Sensor While Travelling (113)

    Release Date:2024-05-28      Click on the quantity:51

    Small Talk about Sensor While Travelling (112),we visited two clients the next day after arriving in Melbourne, Australia. Two days into the weekend, Gu has been used to working on weekends, but the customer's habit is to give ...

  • 25


    Small Talk about Sensor While Travelling (112)

    Release Date:2024-05-25      Click on the quantity:42

    Leave the heavy rain, and then the light rain of Xiamen International Airport. Xiamen Airlines MF803 flight of Boeing 787 aircraft, after nearly ten hours of flight, today (May 23) at 9:30 am (Melbourne local time, Beijing time ...

  • 22


    Small Talk about Sensor While Travelling (111)

    Release Date:2024-05-22      Click on the quantity:39

    Today, May 22, 2024, the weather in Xi 'an in the previous days after the storm hot 38 degrees, around a few showers, the temperature slightly decreased, but still at 34, 5 degrees. In the ancient city of Chang 'an in May, most p...

  • 16


    Small Talk about Sensor While Travelling (110)

    Release Date:2024-04-16      Click on the quantity:38

    This year's Shenzhen sensor exhibition, more friends, more stories, more news, more lively, more meals. Gu Ge point of view, this year's Shenzhen sensor exhibition shows three characteristics: first, the sensor manufacturers incr...