Smart ParkingIntelligent parking management system
parking space booking and checking, parking guidance,video monitoring, reverse seeking , self-service payment, etc.

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Smart Parking

Product Introduction
Technical Parameters
Model Selection Guide

Based on reliable and stable parking sensors, the smart parking management system can achieve real-time monitor of parking space.With the help of other devices, our parking system can integrate such subsystems as parking space reservation, parking guidance, videomonitoring, reverse seeking , self-service payment ,etc. All data from subsystem gathers in the cloud platform and is analyzed andcalculated to achieve smart parking management. In this way, it enables timely information perception, transfer, and processing in the community to create a smart and low carbon uInteractive Architecture" and to provide a safe, stable, environmental, energy-saving and economical working & living surroundings.The subsystems in this system can share data with each other, to create a **low-cost, time-saving, fast, efficient and excellent" smart parking system. This system is applicable in roadside parking, outdoor and indoor parking lot, etc.

System Characteristic

  • Integrated management of all subsystems

  • Integrated with various subsystems, including parking space booking and checking, parking guidance,video monitoring, reverse seeking , self-service payment, etc.

  • Efficient & optimal effect

  • All subsystem shares data and cooperate with each other. So the user can get the data in real time to find an available parking space in shortest time. With the help of parking guidance, reverse seeking and self-service payment,user can find parking space or his car efficiently. All the smart system brings users with the excellent experience.

  • Smart analysis saves cost

  • The system will make corresponding arrangements to save labor cost once the data from all subsystems is analyzed by the cloud platform.






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