Hi! Shaanxi Internet of things (11)
Release Date:2022-10-07   Click on the quantity:3514
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Patter, intermittent, sometimes small continuous autumn rain in Xi'an National Day holiday "soft" into a long journey of time.
The abominable COVID-19 epidemic is intertwined with bleak autumn wind, which makes the streets of the ancient city bleak and the fields of autumn harvest sparsely populated.
From summer to autumn, the time sequence cycle, as a fashion and reality of the Internet of things technology and the Internet of things industry continues to develop.
This is especially true of the Internet of things in Shaanxi.
Mobile animal networking is advancing rapidly, and China has entered the era of "thing Superman".
Shaanxi Internet of things base has won the first battle of attracting investment.
The application of Internet of things technology in coal mines has completely changed people's impression of miners.
According to the latest information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by the end of August 2022, the number of mobile animal network terminal users of the three basic operators, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, has reached 1.698 billion, exceeding 1.678 billion mobile phone users. If you add in other non-operator mobile terminals, such as lorawan,zigbee and other technology terminals, the number may be even more.
China has officially entered the era of "thing Superman".
This is only the mobile animal Internet terminal, if you add a fixed terminal of the Internet of things, the number of Internet of things connections will be even larger!


So, what is the situation of mobile animal network user terminals in Shaanxi Province?
Shaanxi Internet of things Industry Alliance asked Shaanxi Mobile Company that the number of mobile animal Internet terminals of Shaanxi Mobile Company had reached 30 million, and last year it had reached "thing Superman". Shaanxi Unicom Internet of things terminals have been connected to 4 million. Shaanxi Telecom has failed to obtain accurate figures, I believe it will also have a good performance.
At present, the global economy is in the early stage of weakness, China's economy is not optimistic, and investment promotion from all over the country is even more serious.
On September 28, the signing ceremony of the first enterprise entering the park of Shaanxi Internet of things industrial base was held in the space base. Shaanxi Junjing Cableway Investment and Construction Co., Ltd., an enterprise under Shaanxi Travel Group, became the first enterprise to enter the Internet of things base in Shaanxi.
At present, when the physical space of Qin Chuang's original Shaanxi Internet of things base has not been put into use, the signing of Junjing Cableway will greatly improve the attractiveness of Qin Chuang's original Shaanxi Internet of things base and improve the ability of industrial collaborative innovation.


The signing of the first resident enterprise, as summed up by Gao Xiang, a researcher at the Information Promotion Department of the Provincial Industry and Information Bureau, is worth celebrating, remembering and looking forward to.
I believe that with the arrival of Junjing Cableway Company, in the future, we will work with many enterprises of the Internet of things in our province to promote the technology of the Internet of things in Shaanxi tourism industry, especially the application of the Internet of things on the ropeway.
The energy crisis in Europe has led to the greater development of traditional energy enterprises.
In China, coal has become an important energy industry, how to enable Internet of things enterprises to empower the coal industry is a big issue.
Recently, Huawei and China Unicom have set up coal "legions" to enter the coal application of the Internet of things.


According to the China Coal News, the application of the Internet of things has turned each of our miners into a "special force", a variety of portable sensing device sensors to ensure the safety and health of each miner, and the integration of multiple communication technologies to overcome communication barriers in a complex environment, the China Coal News reported.
The large-scale industrial application scene of forming and ensuring the safety of miners and accurately grasping the production data of the mining area has become a typical application of the Internet of things in the coal mining industry.