Hi! Shaanxi Internet of things (12)
Release Date:2022-10-22   Click on the quantity:3463
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The 20th CPC National Congress, which has been held for six days, has ended today, and the bugle of "Chinese-style modernization" has been sounded.
I wonder whether the nucleic acid in Xi'an has been made for nine days or ten days.
The "nucleic acid tag" in Xi'an has gone from ancient times to the thickness of the back cover of mobile phones has increased a lot in the 1920s. However, today, the community has been blocked, and the rare sunny autumn can only be stayed at home.
The sporadic epidemic in Xi'an in October blocked a lot of normal activities, however, the Internet of things in Shaanxi continued.
First, on the 14th, Shaanxi Internet of things Industry Alliance and China Mobile Shaanxi Company held an online promotion meeting on testing capability at the Shaanxi Internet of things Public Laboratory under the guidance of the Shaanxi Internet of things Industry chain Joint Office.
A total of 29 enterprises inside and outside the province attended the promotion meeting.
The Shaanxi Internet of things Public Laboratory, located on the ground floor of Shaanxi Mobile Building, makes full use of China Mobile's clean wireless signals and can test NB-IOT,4G.Cat.1 and 5G projects with a total of more than 100 projects.
Welcome the Internet of things enterprises inside and outside the province, especially the terminal enterprises to come to the laboratory for testing and certification, and put into the construction of Shaanxi Internet of things industry chain.


Second, on the 18th, Qin Chuangyuan.
Shaanxi Internet of things industrial base ushered in the second resident enterprise Cornus Technology (Xi'an) Co., Ltd.
Guo Xiaodong, general manager of Cornus, and Ye Huazhong, vice president of Space City Investment Group and chairman of Industrial Company, attended the signing ceremony.
Cornus is a high-tech company committed to medical data development and processing and material enhancement technology, settled in Xi'an, will strive to build a "western digital center", wish successful cooperation, and jointly create new achievements in Shaanxi Internet of things industry. to contribute to the complementary chain of the Internet of things industry chain in Shaanxi.


Third, the Internet of things technology will be applied to all aspects of our lives now and in the future, and traceability technology is one of them.
Xi'an Baolet Company is one of the best, and it is also the pride of our Internet of things industry in Shaanxi.


Because of its own unique technology and strength, Xi'an Baolet's "print Electronics to restore everything" has been logged on the CCTV Discovery Journey Channel, and the first and next episodes will be broadcast in October.
In the past, I only knew that Xi'an Baolet Company did display technology. General Manager Zhao Wei told me that based on the combination of display technology and traceability technology, the new Internet of things sensors they developed are different from most traceability technologies with dynamic and immutable characteristics.
Moreover, it is relatively cheap and has a wide range of applications.

Xi'an Baolet Optoelectronic Devices Co., Ltd. built the world's first p-OLED display device production line, producing p-OLED technology Internet of things sensor products, can achieve the Internet of things, dynamic Internet of things sensor is easier to popularize, the market promotion prospect is infinite.
The Chinese solution of the Internet of things technology pioneered by Xi'an Baolet in the world will put China in a leading position in the global Internet of things industry.
The main features of the new Internet of things sensors:
1. Forgery protection.
"one thing, one dynamic code", dynamic anti-counterfeiting, dynamic code can not be copied.
2. Traceability.
"one thing one dynamic code", the dynamic code has a serial number, which can be traced back to the source completely and can realize the management of the channel.
3. Popularity.
"one thing, one dynamic code", smart phone is a "card reader", using special App or WeChat Mini Programs traceability anti-counterfeiting, interaction with commodity producers, more universal.
4. Low cost.
"one thing, one dynamic code", smart phone is a "card reader", using smart phone to achieve positioning, information exchange, information feedback, network connection and other functions, the comprehensive cost is low.
5. Suitable field.
Is close or contact scanning, more suitable for consumer goods, such as tobacco, alcohol and tea, cosmetics, vaccines and drugs, milk powder and smear and other high-quality goods.
It is hoped that Xi'an Baolet Company will strive to develop newer technology, promote more applications, and contribute its own strength to the Shaanxi Internet of things industry chain.
American expert Bernard Marr predicts six global technological trends in 2023, the fourth of which can also be understood as a new definition of the Internet of things.